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~my dream diary~


I am in a field or maybe a meadow of tall summer grasses, brown, yellow, green.


I'm in a labrythine apartment complex. I just woke up. Many people are in the living room and kitchen, because it is some kind of urban commune, and aparently I live there. I go to the balcony and look down. My sister is down there with a group of her friends, and one of them has my yellow backpacking backpack. He seems to be unable to use it and is thrashing around with it trying to pull the top off. "Hey! Hey" I yell down. "How did you get that?". They explain where they are going and I go back inside. Other people have backpacks, as well. There is some kind of mission taking place, but I am not taking part. In the living room area is a great person (teaA) I have not seen in almost two years. One wall of the living room is open and leads into a japanese garden which in the center is an elevated bamboo platform with sliding screen doors. "I haven't gone into the tea room yet." I say to him.
In another part of the dream I am using someone else's flip phone. It is incredible because you can text on it super easily even though it is a flip phone.


I'm in a warm, tropical place, in some kind of bar/restaurant/gathering space. Everyone speaks spanish, only the guy I am there with, speaks some english. We are meeting up in the place but quickly leave and step into the night. We walk with our sides pressed together along the beach. Cut scene, I'm driving in a car along the beach. It is a long beach, still a tropical loc, the ocean a broad expanse with no end. On the beach in the distance I see a mountain (on the beach literally) springing out of a grove of california redwoods and pines. The mountain which is the size of the hill and very close and yet is also a mountain (space distortion) is covered fully in pristine powdery snow. And the snow, it is sparkling like a rosegold diamond in the summer sunlight. I recognize this mountain, which has appeared in two other dreams (which are not documented hear because they occured prior to this habit), in those other dreams it was in a different ambient space, but it is the same, and the thread connects.


The first part of the dream, I'm in a car with E, and we are driving along a bluff beside a beach. Below us is the perfect sea, shallow, perflectly clear green bahamas water, and tropical white sand as fine as powder. The second part of the dream we are in the water together. It is weird because the water is warmer than the air, which is actually disorienting. It's hard to explain, but I am either watching a video of myself, that E is showing me, or watching the video feed as E takes a video of me. It's unclear, but either way I am seeing myself, which is weird because I almost never see myself in dreams. I'm in the water, naked, and It's dark but there is a light illuminating me and the water surrounding my form, as though it is a video taken with flash. And my hair is a very turqouise color.


I dreamt that I was in Russia. I went into a library. In the library were a good amount of people busy doing stuff near the tables and computer/monitor area. I leaned against the wall and watched people, and in the dream I was thinking "so this is russia." I started to walk out of the building and as I did so I passed a gloomy looking guy (he looked like how I would imagine a famous russian author would look. Tolstoy/Dostoevsky type. BEard.) Sitting on the edge of one of the tables. And I noticed he had in his hand an object and was pressing a button on the object. I realized it was a bomb detonator at this point so I start running out of the building. Behind me two people blow up. But there is no blood. Out of their chests, like from where their heart would be, multi colored party confetti explodes into the air around their heads, then falls to the ground prettily as the victims fall over, dead. Now everyone in the library is running. I go out of the doors and see the library is on a water side promonotory. I run down the promenade, as more people behind me burst into confetti. A few jumple in the water, I guess hoping this will disable the mechanism that had been attached to everyone, so I follow suit as does the guy running next to me. The water is dark and I can't see the bottom, and I watch as three more people who have also submerged themselves are surrounded by the confetti and die. end


I am at a distorted version of my apartment - it is similar in that in front of it is a no car allowed, pedestrian only street which is the same, with another apartment building across from it. I step outside the apartment, into this street, and walk to my left, where there is an urban forest/green space of sorts (not in the waking world). It is night/deep twilight, and the street lamps are lit, it is quiet, and I enter the foot path that takes me into the trees. The shapes of the forest are silhouetted by the twilight blue of the sky. I'm winding my way through the paths and pass only a few people, but they are just suggestions of people, kind of like blurred suggestions of people, who I pass by without fully percieving. Eventually I make my way out, back to the the street which I entered from, and go back to the apartment building. Here, it diverges more from what I know is true in the waking world. There is a lobby inside, with an elevator. The elevator takes me to the second floor, in which an elaborate shopping mall, with no percievable limit, unfolds. Despite it being night time as I saw outside, the shopping mall is filled with people, who are browsing the brightly lit aisles which are stalked with many many many plastic bottles of products and items and stuff. A man is walking around with a headset type thing around his neck. Seems like he is responsible for some sort of holiday promo event, in which he hands out free stuff to people. He walks up to a shelf, grabs a product, holds it in the air, says a random name, like "Isabella!" and whoever comes up to him first (the name seems to have nothing to do with anything) gets whatever he is holding. I'm standing behind the crowd watching the situation unfold when I notice
I notice a lot of my dreams take place at night. I dont spend a lot of time out at night but my favorite time of day is dusk/twilight


it's a beach at sunset. The sky is a soft pale peach color. The beach stretches far to my left and right. Only a few people are milling about. I'm with both my sisters. I dive into the warm water and swim out. I don't feel the need to come up for air and swim until the depth increases to a depth of about twelve feet. I dive down into the water column and float. the visibility is perfect, and below me I can see the bottom, but it's not sand, like the beach - it's a layer of a mercury like substance, like a rippling, liquid mirror.


I'm in a winter forest. thin winter sunlight silhouttes the bare limbs of winter branches. The air is cold and clear. In the forest people are milling about, walking on dirt paths which connect solitary cabins, these cabins are scattered through the trees irregularly. I go into one of the cabins. It's a one room structure with two high windows and two cots, one against each wall, and a back door. The whole thing is old, maybe over a 100 years old, and the wood is well faded and worn to a dark color. I step out of the back door and onto the porch. Upon this porch is a bed, with a wool blanket over the top of it, out on the porch. Looking at the bed I am thinking (I am thinking in the dream) that a person who slept on this porch bed could fall asleep gazing at the stars and trees. I go back inside. My roommate (because I guess this is my cabin) is sitting on one of the cots. He's messing around with a box. On the box are an array of nobs and buttons and a partially deconstructed keyboard. He is playing some kind of music on this box, clearly by ear, because he is not familiar with the instrument. I sit down next to him and we notice that the top of the box can detach and flip open. We open the box and, inside, are a bunch of charms, little charm objects attached to chains. Some of them are sparkly and varnished, others metallic and silver. Inside is a tiny heart, a spiral, a shell, a little silver horse, and many others.


Stone shaped objects, semi transparent edges, red in color, golden center, kind of looked like aerogel, handed to me by (someone (?))


In the jungle. Above a vast lagoon, lake, opaque and a pale green-blue. In a kind of stone tower with arches along the walls that look out into the jungle. Being chased by or pursued by an unknown person. The perspective of the dream is changing and I am many different people in the same place, but definitely not myself. The building is above the lake, and in my escape from (someone?) I dive out of the side of the building and towards the lagoon which is many stories below.


I am walking through a field with a path running down it. To my right are two huge towers that resemble cell towers in that they are seeming lattice-like in structure and made of metal. The two towers are separated at some distance although aligned, and between them is a bizzare distortion in the air.
They are emitting some kind of deafening high frequency noise. Above the field the sky is a really intense and dark blue and resembles pictures of the sky taken at super high elevations like in fighter jets - because it has that quality of being a vacuum with very little atmosphere. But as I pass through the "force field" emitted by the frequency towers, the sky goes back to being hazy and the same pale blue I am used to.


Last night had a dream that I took a cruise or a plane to chicago. On the cruise/plane/travel vessel there were many floors to it and places to walk around, restaurants and plazas, like a resort. But also it was somewhat abandoned. Everything was dark and most store fronts were shuttered. The plazas had fairy lights draped over them but seemed deserted and dim. I walked around looking for a place to eat.
I found one person who said he owned a restaurant. I followed him to it and he said we would have a great conversation. I am confused. I take the dinner to go and try to find a working elevator to leave the creepy plaza but most of them are broken. I find one.
Later I am in chicago. Dream chicago is an overcast place that reminds me of the old suburbs of everett. Lots of freeway overpasses, overgrown parking lots and old farm land with dirt paths. I am on my bike biking around dream chicago. it's kind of cloudy and dim and I'm exploring and old field with some residents of dream chicago.


I am at my old house; xx07. It's dark, I am standing on the back deck, looking over the lights of the city
blinking and glowing beneath the velvety night sky. Above me, a passenger plane begins to careen towards the earth,
slowly losing control over the glittering garden of lights, and then jarringly slamming into the industrial part of the city,
causing a chain of explosions to go rippling across the city-scape.


Had an extra set of arms, attached at the shoulder to a glass orb. My two sets of arms articulated around the glass orb like a joint.