where I keep track of
what I have read
what I want to read
and quotes that I like
Title and Author | My Thoughts |
The Year of the Flood; Margaret Atwood | Finished 1/26/2025; Second book in Maddadam series. at least as good as the first if not better; world building expanded much more, as did cast. From The God's Gardeners Oral Hymnbook: "The earth forgives the Miner's blast The Deer at length forgives the Wolf And underneath those shady trees All Creatures know that some must die But Man alone seeks Vengefulness, Is this the image of a god? We dangle by a flimsy thread, Give up your anger and your spite, |
Oryx and Crake; Margaret Awtwood | Finished 1/20/2025; Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake, interview at MIT It was very good but made me quite depressed. Here is a passage I liked (for context, a virus has wiped everyone out): "But suppose - just suppose, thinks Snowman - that he's not the last of his kind. Suppose there are others. He wills them into being, these possible remnants who might have survived in isolation pockets, cut off by the shutdown of the communications networks, keeping themselves alive somehow. Monks in desert hideaways, far from contagion; mountain goatherders who'd never mixed with the valley people; lost tribes in the jungles. Survivalists who'd tuned in early, shot all comers, sealed themselves into their underground bunkers. Hillbillies, recluses; wandering lunatics, swathed in protective hallucinations. Bands of nomads, following their ancient ways. How did this happen? their descendants will ask, stumbling upon the evidence, the ruins. The ruinous evidence. Who made these things? Who lived in them? Who destroyed them? The Taj Mahal, the Louvre, the Pyramids, the Empire State Building - stuff he's seen on TV, in old books, on post cards, on Blood and Roses. Imagine coming upon them, 3-D, life-sized, with no preparation - you'd be freaked, you'd run away, and after that you'd need an explanation. At first they'll say giants or gods, but sooner or later they'll want to know the truth. Like him, they'll have the curious monkey brain. Perhaps they'll say, These things are not real. They are phantasmagoria. They were made by dreams, and now that no one is dreaming them any longer they are crumbling away." |