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saw this symbol drawn on the ground, drawn with chalk, while I was out with F today.



"every subatomic interaction consists of the annhilation of the original particles and the creation of new subatomic particles.
The subatomic world is a continual dance of creation and annhilation, of mass changing into energy and energy changing into mass.
Transient forms sparkle in and out of existence, creating a never-ending, forever newly created reality."
Gary Zukav

"energy (and momentum as well) is the ultimate convertible currency. E = mc^2 tells us that energy can be turned into matter and vice versa. Thus if an energy fluctuation is big enough, it can momemtairly cause, for instance, an elecrtron and it's antimatter companion - the positron - to erupt into existence, even if the region was initally empty. Since the energy must be quickly repaid, these particles will annhilate one another after an instant, relinquishing the energy borrowed in their creation. And the same is true for all the other forms that energy and momentum can take - other paticle eruptions and annhilations, wild electromagnetic-field oscillations, weak and strong force-field flucatuations - quantum-mechanical uncertainty tells us the universe is a teeming, chaotic, frenzied arena on microscopic scales. As Feynman once jested, 'created and annhilated, created and annhilateed - what a waste of time.' Since borrowing and repaying on average cancel each other out, an empty region of space looks calm and placid when examined with all but microscopic precision. The uncertainity principle, however, reveals that macroscopic averaging obscures a wealth of microscopic activity....this frenzy is the obstacle to merging general relativity and quantum mechanics."
Brian Greene
